Pablo Gallardo

Pablo Gallardo

Cybersecurity and IT professional. Find more info at

Web Back End Frameworks

This post lists web back end frameworks. Web back end framework ease the tasks for the developer when working on back end scripting with languages like Java, Python or PHP. List of Web Back End Frameworks Web Back End Frameworks…

CSS Frameworks

This post lists some popular CSS frameworks. List of CSS Frameworks CSS Frameworks featured on this post: Bootstrap Bootstrap is free and open source (FOSS). It is developed by the Bootstrap Core Team. Official Web Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS is…

Web Development

This post summarizes some aspects on web development. Web Development Basic Learning Path If you want to learn web development, the increasing knowledge you need to get could be summarized as below: 1. HTML HTML is a markup language to…

IT Vulnerability Management

IT vulnerability assessment or vulnerability management is a branch of IT security. It is concerned with identifying, assessing, and addressing vulnerabilities in computer systems and software. This post reviews some aspects regarding IT vulnerabilities. You can read a more general…

Scheduling Web Apps for Peers

This post lists some apps that aids to agree a date between a group of people or peers. It discards more complex apps that also manage calendars or book appointments for businesses. In the case of business, the scheduling is…

Domain Name System

This post explains briefly what is a domain name system (DNS). FAQs about a Domain Name System What is a Domain Name System (DNS)? A domain name system (DNS) is a hierarchical and distributed naming system for computers, services, and…