Pablo Gallardo

Pablo Gallardo

Cybersecurity and IT professional. Find more info at

Unified Modelling Language

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a modelling language for software engineering. UML has been adopted as a standard by the Object Management Group (OMG) and International Standard Organization (ISO). Object Contraint Language (OCL) defines the rules for model elements. In…

Introduction to IT Security

This post gives a general and brief overview about IT security and cybersecurity. It also links to other posts within this blog where the information is expanded. Definitions of Information Security and Cybersecurity Information security is in charge of the…

Tools for Credential Harvesting

This post lists some pentesting tools for Credential Harvesting. List of Tools for Credential Harvesting Tools for Credential Harvesting featured on this post. Mimikatz Mimikatz is software that performs leverage the Mimikatz exploit to extract passwords stored in memory on…

Spain Public Cybersecurity Organizations

This post lists some public cybersecurity organization of Spain. List of Public Cybersecurity Organizations in Spain Public Cybersecurity Organizations in Spain: Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DSN) Official Web Centro Criptológico Nacional (CCN) Official Web INCIBE Formerly known as INTECO. Official…

Linux Display Servers

This post is about display servers and windowing systems compatible with Linux, that provide graphical user interfaces. List of Linux Display Servers X11 X11, also known as X Window System, is a display server for Unix-like operating systems. Programmers at…


The first computers to be sold in the computer industry were called mainframes. Minicomputers were cheaper an smaller versions of the mainframes. The first minicomputer appeared in the mid-1960’s. They preceded the even smaller microcomputers or home computers that appeared…