Socially Responsible Investing in Spain

SRI is the acronym Socially Responsible Investing. It is refered in Spanish as ISR (from the Spanish Inversión Socialmente Responsable). Spainsif is the Foro Español de Inversión Socialmente Responsable, and it publishes an annual report and maintains a catalog of…

Payment Terminals Enterprises

Ingenico S.A. (EURONEXT: ING) French-based.   VeriFone (NYSE: PAY) American-based.   Secure POS Vendor Alliance (SPVA) Non-profit organization whose goal is to increase awareness of and improve payment industry security founded by Ingenico, Verifone and Hypercom (currently Verifone).

How to merge PDFs

Here there are some propositions about how to merge PDF documents. Tools to merge PDFs This section provides tools to merge PDFs. There are two main sections: On-premise Tools On-premise tools require installation. Instructions differ depending on the operating system:…

How to create a GIF from Screen Animation

There are many applications available on the net: ScreenToGIF OpenSource free application, no installation required. Requires Net Framework 4.6.1 in the system.   LICEcap Free application, admin authorization required on installation. Free application, admin authorization required…