Category IT Security

Operational Technologies

Operational technologies, often referred with the acronym OT, is hardware and software that detects or causes a change, through the direct monitoring and/or control of industrial equipment, assets, processes and events. The industrial context is basic on this definition of OT.…

List of SIEM Solutions

SIEM is an acronym that means Security Information and Event Management. This post lists some SIEM solutions. List of SIEM Solutions List of SIEM solutions: Splunk You can read more about Splunk on this post. You might be interested in……


What is Splunk? There is a free course from Splunk explaining what it is. It is called “What is Splunk?“, and it is available online.   Splunk Certifications There are different certifications provided by Splunk. You can find these certifications…

Risk Analysis Methodologies

This post summarizes some relevant risk analysis methodologies. Do not confuse them with the IT risk management frameworks. List of Risk Analysis Methodologies List of IT risk analysis methodologies: Quantitative Qualitative Semi-quantitative Asset-based Vulnerability-based External References