Category Networks

TCP Communication Flags

There are six TCP communication flags: List of TCP Communication Flags SYN SYN, also known as synchronize, notifies the transmission. ACK ACK, also known as acknowledgment, confirms the receipt. FIN FIN, also known as finish, announces that it will not…

Cloud Deployment Models

This post features different types of clouds. This post is part of the introduction to cloud computing. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Featured Cloud Deployment Models Cloud Deployment Models: Private Cloud: A private cloud, also known as internal or corporate cloud,…

Types of Wi-Fi Connections

Encryption algorithms: Encryption protocols: Wi-Fi security modes: Authentication options supported by WPA, WPA2 and WPA3: PSK is the use of a static fixed password or authentication. ENT enables the leveraging of and existing AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) service to…

Firewall Architectures

Types of network segments According to its privacy, there are different types of network segments: The internet is publicly available for any user. An intranet hosts information privately only for users within an organization. The services are placed on internal…