Pablo Gallardo

Pablo Gallardo

Cybersecurity and IT professional. Find more info at

Tobacco Control Laws in Spain

These laws regulate tobacco selling in Spain: Real Decreto-Ley 2/2016, 10 February Ley 28/2005, 26 December Ley 24/2008, 18 November Ley 13/98, 4 May Ley 50/1998, 30 December Article 13, about “Fijación del canon concesional de las Expendedurías de Tabaco…

How to transport Queries in SAP ECC

ABAP Queries can be transported to different clients by the following two ways: 1) By using the standard program ‘RSAQR3TR‘. 2) By using the transport option available on the application bar in Transactions SQ02 or SQ03. Before releasing the transport…

Project Management Applications

This post includes project management applications. List of Apps for Project Management Apps featured on this post: FOSS Project Management Apps Some free and open-source software (FOSS) applications for project management: GanttProject Desktop-based. LibrePlan Web-based. OpenProj Open-source …