Tag courses

IT Massive Open Online Courses

This post features Masive Open Online Course (MOOC) sites List of IT MOOC Sites List of popular MOOC sites: EdX EdX was founded by MIT and Harvard. Official website Udemy Official webite Coursera Coursera website MOOC.org Official website DataCamp Official…

Introduction to Rust

Rust is an emerging programming language that focuses on performance. It is free and open-source (FOSS) under an MIT and Apache 2.0 dual-license. It was created by software developer Graydon Hoare while he was working at Mozilla, and it was…

Digital Transformation Training in Spain

This post lists some institutions providing training on Digital Transformation in Spain. List of Digital Transformation Training in Spain This is a non-exhaustive list of institutions providing training on Digital Transformation in Spain. ISDI Official web INESDI Máster en Transformación…

Windows 10 Security

This post summarizes some tools, courses, certifications and hardening guides related to Windows 10. As Windows 10 and 11 are very similar, this post applies to both operating systems. Windows 10 Security Tools There are different security tools and functionalities…