Introduction to Rust

Rust is an emerging programming language that focuses on performance.

It is free and open-source (FOSS) under an MIT and Apache 2.0 dual-license. It was created by software developer Graydon Hoare while he was working at Mozilla, and it was officially released in 2015. The Rust trademark is owned by the Rust Foundation.

Because it is compiled, low-level, static-typed and does not require a garbage collector, it is very suitable for operating system and video games programming.

These characteristics make it share a niche with C and C++. The advantages of Rust over these languages is that it has an easier memory allocation system, it is easier to learn and use and, unlike C, it supports object-oriented programming. The disadvantages of Rust over C and C++ (and also other popular programming languages) is that as an emerging programming language it does not have yet a community and environment as strong as the other decades-old programming languages.

It may also be not as supported by devices than C or C++, taking into account that C is probably the most portable programming language and there is a compiler available for virtually all processors.

Courses to learn Rust

The following Rust courses are featured on this post:

  • Google’s “Comprehensive Rust” course

Google’s “Comprehensive Rust” Course

This course expects that you know the basics of programming.

You can find this course on this external link.

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