How to remove Bloatware from Windows

  Method 1: uninstall it Most bloatware can be uninstalled from Control Panel or by right-clicking the program from start and selecting “Uninstall”.   Method 2: remove it from PowerShell Click on Start, type “powershell”, right-click on the result and…

List of Android rooting Tools

List of Android routing Tools: Framaroot KingoRoot TunesGo One Click Root Unrevoked MTK Droid Superboot Superuser X [Root] Root Uninstaller Root Browser File Manager Titanium Backup Root One of the most popular are KingoRoot, TunesGo and One Click Root.  …

Wardriving Tools

Wardriving Tools: NetStumbler WiFiFoFum Airbase-ng MacStumbler AirFart 802.11 Network Discovery Tools G-MoN One of the most popular is NetStumbler and WiFiFoFum. Wardriving Tools NetStumbler NetStumbler (also known as Network Stumbler) is a tool for Windows that facilitates detection of…

Raw Packet Capturing Tools

This post lists tools to capture raw packets in an IT network. List of Raw Packet Capturing Tools Raw packet capturing tools featured on this post: WirelessNetView PRTG Network Monitor tcpdump RawCap Airodump-ng Microsoft Network Monitor Microsoft Message Analyzer WirelessNetView…

List of Spectrum Analyzing Tools

List of Spectrum Analyzing Tools: Wi-Spy and Chanalyzer AirMagnet Spectrum XT Cisco Spectrum Expert USB Spectrum Analyzer AirSleuth-Pro BumbleBee-LX Spectrum Analyzer WiFi Surveyor List of Spectrum Analyzing Tools Wi-Spy and Chanalyzer AirMagnet Spectrum XT Cisco Spectrum Expert …

Bluetooth Security Tools

This post features bluetooth security tools. List of bluetooth security tools Bluetooth security tools featured on this post: FruitMobile Bluetooth Firewall FruitMobile Bluetooth Firewall protects your android device against all sorts of bluetooth attack from devices around you. It displays…

List of Wi-Fi Predictive Planning Tools

AirMagnet Planner Source: Cisco Prime Infrastructure ( AirTight Planner ( LANPlanner ( RingMaster Software ( Ekahau Site Survey (ESS) ( Connect EZ Turnkey Wireless LAN Bundle ( TamoGraph Site Survey ( NetSpot ( Wi-Fi Designer (

List of Wi-Fi Prevention System Tools

For computer: WatchGuard WIPS Enterasys IPS AirMagnet Enterprise SONICWALL SONICPOINT N2 SonicPoint Wireless Security Access Point Series HP TippingPoint NX Platform NGIPS AirTight WIPS Network Box IDP ZENworks Endpoint Security Management FortiGate next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) The most popular is WatchGuard…