Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) is a protocol of OSI session layer 5. It provides a NetBIOS name to each computer, in addition to the already existing IP address from OSI network layer 3. Nowadays, NetBIOS runs over TCP The…

Anonymizer Tools

Anonymizer Tools for Desktop: Whonix TunnelBear Invisible Internet Project (I2P) JonDo Proxify Psiphon Anonymizer Universal Anonymous Web Surfing Guardster Ultrasurf Anonym8 Web Proxy Server The most popular is Whonix. Anonymizer Tools for Mobile: Orbot Psyphon OpenDoor Anonymizer Tools for Desktop…

E-mail tracking tools

List e-mail tracking tools: List e-mail tracking tools eMailTrackerPro PoliteMail Yesware ContactMonkey Home Zendio ReadNotify DidTheyReadIt Trace Email Email Lookup – Free Email Tracker Pointofmail WhoReadMe GetNotify G-Lock Analytics…

Web Update Monitoring Tools

List of Web Update Monitoring Tools WebSite-Watcher Web Update Monitoring Tools VisualPing Follow That Page Versionista WatchThatPage OnWebChange InfoMinder Update Scanner Check4Change   List of Web Update Monitoring Tools WebSite-Watcher VisualPing Follow That Page Versionista WatchThatPage…

Content Monitoring Alert Services

Google Alerts Google Alerts automatically notifies users when new content from news, web, blogs, video, and/or discussion groups matches a set of search terms selected by the user and stored by the Google Alerts service. Google Alerts aids in…

People Search Tools

People Search Websites: Intelius BeenVerified Spokeo List of people search website Intelius Focused on US people. BeenVerified Focused on US people. Spokeo Focused on US people.   List of people search software InSpy Python script to…