Category Software

Functional Programming Languages

This post discuss about functional programming languages, it means, programming languages that use the functional paradigm. In functional programming languages, a desired result is declared as the value of a series of function evaluations, uses evaluation of mathematical functions and…

Assembly Language

Types of computer codes, from more computer-friendly to human-friendly: Assembly language is sometimes known as assembler language or symbolic machine code. Early computer programs were written in assembly language, as programming languages did not exist yet. Assembly language is unique…

Introduction to Rust

Rust is an emerging programming language that focuses on performance. It is free and open-source (FOSS) under an MIT and Apache 2.0 dual-license. It was created by software developer Graydon Hoare while he was working at Mozilla, and it was…

Software Development

Software is the intangible side of computers. It includes programs and data. Software development is the process of creating and deploying software. This post covers some aspects of software development. It is somehow an index to other posts in the…


Git is one of the most popular software source code control version system (CVS). This post explains the main aspects of Git. You may want to read about alternative source code CVSs on this post. Explaining what is Git Git…


PyCharm is an IDE exclusive for Python development, and one of the most popular among Python developers. It is developed by Czech company JetBrains, that released the first version in 2010. Take into account that PyCharm uses virtualized environments. Contents…