Category Android

List of Trojans

List of Android Trojans: BankBot (Android) Spydealer Android GhostCtrl malware Triada AndroRAT ZitMo (ZeuS-in-the-Mobile) FakeToken TRAMP.A Fakedefender Obad FakeInst OpFake Dendroid Some of the most popular are BankBot and Spydealer.

List of Android rooting Tools

List of Android routing Tools: Framaroot KingoRoot TunesGo One Click Root Unrevoked MTK Droid Superboot Superuser X [Root] Root Uninstaller Root Browser File Manager Titanium Backup Root One of the most popular are KingoRoot, TunesGo and One Click Root.  …

List of Android App Marketplaces

List of Android App Marketplaces Google Play The Android marketplace provided by Google. It is installed by default on Android smartphone, and thus it is the most used. Amazon Appstore Amazon’s attempt to create its own Android marketplace…