Category Networks

Cisco Switch commands

You can use the following Cisco port security feature to defend against MAC attacks. Examples switchport port-security Enables port security on the interface. switchport port-security maximum 1 Configures the maximum number of secure MAC addresses for the port switchport port-security…

List of Sniffing Tools

List of sniffing tools for computer: WireShark SteelCentral Packet Analyzer Source Capsa Network Analyzer OmniPeek Observer Analyzer PRTG Network Monitor Colasoft Packet Builder RSA NetWitness Investigator tcpdump NetFlow Analyzer CommView NetResident ntopng SmartSniff Free Network Analyzer CSniffer EtherApe Network Probe…

LDAP Enumeration Tools

This post summarizes some enumeration tools for lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP). To read more about LDAP and Directory Services, please read this post. List of LDAP Enumeration Tools LDAP Enumeration Tools: Softerra LDAP Administrator LDAP Admin Tool LDAP…

nmap Syntax

This post summarizes common syntax and parameters used with command nmap. To understand the meaning of each parameter, you may read about network discovery scanning techniques, as in “CISPP Study Guide 9th Edition”, pp. 732-733. nmap Syntax Parameters Those scans…