Category Hardware


This post is an introduction to RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA), explaining its particularities and potentials. What is RISC-V? An instruction set architecture (ISA) is part of the abstract model of a computer that defines how the CPU is controlled…


The first computers to be sold in the computer industry were called mainframes. Minicomputers were cheaper an smaller versions of the mainframes. The first minicomputer appeared in the mid-1960’s. They preceded the even smaller microcomputers or home computers that appeared…

Data Centers

A data processing center (DPC) or data center is a building, a dedicated space within a building, or a group of buildings used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. Hyperconvergent Infrastructure (HCI) combines…

DVD Player Norauto NS-16309HIR

NS-16309HIR, NS-VID 16309 or Norauto Sound NS-16309HIR is a DVD player that is sold in Norauto car repair shop, that is a popular chain store set in many European countries and Argentina and that belongs to the French group Mobivia.…

Internal Computer Bus Interfaces

This post features internal computer bus interfaces. There has been different through the history of computer science. Here there are the most popular in the market. List of Internal Computer Bus Interfaces Internal Computer bus interfaces featured on this post:…