Category Retail

Payment Terminals Enterprises

Ingenico S.A. (EURONEXT: ING) French-based.   VeriFone (NYSE: PAY) American-based.   Secure POS Vendor Alliance (SPVA) Non-profit organization whose goal is to increase awareness of and improve payment industry security founded by Ingenico, Verifone and Hypercom (currently Verifone).

Tobacco Control Laws in Spain

These laws regulate tobacco selling in Spain: Real Decreto-Ley 2/2016, 10 February Ley 28/2005, 26 December Ley 24/2008, 18 November Ley 13/98, 4 May Ley 50/1998, 30 December Article 13, about “Fijación del canon concesional de las Expendedurías de Tabaco…