Pablo Gallardo

Pablo Gallardo

Cybersecurity and IT professional. Find more info at

Book Self-publishing Providers

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) USA Lulu USA Lulu distributes print books to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, the Ingram network, and more, including its own Lulu Bookstore. Commission: for each customer purchase, Lulu takes a commission of 20% of…

ISACA Cybersecurity Nexus

Cybersecurity Nexus (CSX) is a training and credentialing program related to cybersecurity and develop by the professional association ISACA. It consists of a series of certificates: CSX Fundamentals (CSX-F) Certificate CSX Foundations Certificate, is awarded automatically when the candidate achieves:…

IS Disaster Recovery Objectives

This posts is to clarify the different terms related to Information System Disaster Recovery Objectives, and their differences. These terms appear on both Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certifications, both issued by ISACA. Objective…

Share books on the internet

Flipbook is an online book that can be flip from the web browsers. List of webs Calaméo No flipbook. Flipsnack Flipbook generator, it means, conversor from PDF to HTML5. Google Books No flipbook. Issuu   One of the…

Challenge-Response Authentication

This post explains the concept of challenge-response authentication. Concept of Challenge-Response Authentication In computer security, challenge–response authentication is a family of protocols in which one party presents a question (“challenge”) and another party must provide a valid answer (“response”) to…