Tag alternatives

Web Back End Frameworks

This post lists web back end frameworks. Web back end framework ease the tasks for the developer when working on back end scripting with languages like Java, Python or PHP. List of Web Back End Frameworks Web Back End Frameworks…

Scheduling Web Apps for Peers

This post lists some apps that aids to agree a date between a group of people or peers. It discards more complex apps that also manage calendars or book appointments for businesses. In the case of business, the scheduling is…

NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases refer to any database types that are not only relational. “NoSQL” stands for “not only SQL”. Relational database is the most popular database type nowadays. Structure Query Language (SQL) is a language to manage data in a relational…

Web Search Engines

This post offers a list of popular web search engines. According to Statcounter, as of 2020 Google dominate search engine market with a 82% in desktop computers and 95% on mobile phones. Some initiatives like the lobby FairSearch try to…