Category Uncategorized

Free and Open Source Software Security

This post explains some specific aspects of security related to free and open source software (FOSS). FOSS Security Risks There are some risks that are should be taken especially into account on FOSS projects. Lack of Maintenance Community-driven FOSS is…


A honeypot is a computer security mechanism set to detect, deflect, or, in some manner, counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. A honeynet is a network set up with intentional vulnerabilities hosted on a decoy server to attract…

Crowdfunding Websites

This post summarizes some websites for crowdfunding. List of Crowdfunding Websites Crowfunding websites: Kickstarter Kickstarter is a project from Spain. Official website Verkami Verkami is a project from Spain. Official website Gamefound Crowdfunding website specialized in video games. Official website

Linux Distributions

There are many Linux distributions or distros. Linux Distribution Families Linux Distribution families featured on this post: Debian-based Debian was released in 1993. Debian was very close to the Free Software Foundation (FSF) during the 90s. Debian-based distros: Ubuntu was…