Category IT Security

Cloud Deployment Models

This post features different types of clouds. This post is part of the introduction to cloud computing. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Featured Cloud Deployment Models Cloud Deployment Models: Private Cloud: A private cloud, also known as internal or corporate cloud,…

Security Testing Methodologies

Security Testing Methodologies: List of Security Testing Methodologies Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is the Open Web Application Security Project, which is an open-source application security project that assists the organizations to purchase,…

Types of Security Controls

Types of Security Controls: Preventive: Prevent security violations and enforce various access control mechanisms. Detective: Detect security violations. Corrective or recovery: Used to restore systems. Deterrent: Used to discourage. Compensating: Used as an alternative control when the intended controls failed.…

Types of Wi-Fi Connections

Encryption algorithms: Encryption protocols: Wi-Fi security modes: Authentication options supported by WPA, WPA2 and WPA3: PSK is the use of a static fixed password or authentication. ENT enables the leveraging of and existing AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) service to…

Encryption Concepts for IT

This post tries to summarize the basic concepts of cryptography and encryption that are relevant to information technologies, computer science and cybersecurity. It tries to focus on the basic concepts. Technical details about mathematics, calculations or implementations (like encryption algorithms…