Introduction to GitHub
This post explains how to set up a GitHub project. What is GitHub? GitHub is a repository service based on code control version system (CVS) Git. GitHub has many things in common with Git, so it is important to be…
This post explains how to set up a GitHub project. What is GitHub? GitHub is a repository service based on code control version system (CVS) Git. GitHub has many things in common with Git, so it is important to be…
This post provides links to check the Support Lifecycle, End of Life (EoL), End of Support (EoS), versioning or road map dates for popular databases. List of Databases Support Lifecycle Dates List of databases lifecycles featured on this post: Oracle…
A Cloud Service Provider (CSP) is a provider of services in the cloud. This post summarizes some CSPs. List of Cloud Service Providers Cloud Service Providers featured on this post: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a…
A process modeling language allows to describe processes through diagrams with text. There are different modelling languages used in the market. Software will be classified depending on the modelling language they support and their purpose. List of Process Modeling Languages…
Business continuity is concerned with maintaining critical operations during any interruption in a service. It should make focus on incidents that are not frequent but may cause a big impact on the organization, such as a disaster. Disaster recovery focuses…
This post summarizes some standards and implementations of Directory Services. List of Directory Services X.500 X.500 is a set of standards related to directory services. One of them is Directory Access Protocol (DAP). It is based on OSI (Open Systems…
This post summarizes some Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) widget toolkits or libraries for the video game Python module Pygame. List of GUIs for Pygame GUI widget toolkits for Pygame: Pygame GUI is one of the newest, as it was released…
This post add some notes on digital transformation. What is Digital Transformation? Canvas Business Model Digital Chain Value Model Roles related to Digital Transformation CDO (Chief Digital Officer) would be a role directly in charge of all aspects related to…
This post tries to explain what is an Information Security Program. What is an Information Security Program? According to ISACA, an information security program (ISP) is a set of activities that provide assurance that information assets are given a level…
This post discusses about policies, standards or guidelines to establish secure passwords in an IT system. List of Password Definition Standards List of password generation standards: NIST 800-63B NIST 800-63B is titled “Digital Identity Guidelines“. Official web SANS SPT Password…