Category IT

Operating Systems

This post is an introduction to operating systems (OSs) and an index for other posts with topics related to operating systems. An OS manages the computer hardware resources, so it is important to understand the different hardware components within a…

Quality Management Models

This post features quality management (QM) models for organizations, services or products. List of Quality Management Models Quality Management (QM) Models featured on this post: ISO 9000 Family ISO 9000 family is a family of standards about Quality Management. You…


This post is an introduction to databases. Database Properties Database properties featured on this post: ACID Database Transaction Properties ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) is a set of desired properties regarding database transactions. ACID at Wikipedia CRUD Persistent Storage Operations…

Distributed Systems

A distributed system is a system that is distributed among different locations Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Distributed Architectures Distributed architectures featured on this post: Cloud computing You can read this post about cloud computing. Microservices You can read this post…

Computer Networks

This post is an introduction to computer networks. Computer Network Devices Computer network devices includes switch, routers or firewalls. You can read this post about computer network devices. Area Networks Examples of area networks are WAN or LAN. You can…

Free and Open Source Software Security

This post explains some specific aspects of security related to free and open source software (FOSS). FOSS Security Risks There are some risks that are should be taken especially into account on FOSS projects. Lack of Maintenance Community-driven FOSS is…

Information Technology

This post is an index for the main topics related to information technology (IT) offered on this blog. Technical Fields of Information Technology Fields of information technology featured on this blog: Computer Hardware Computer hardware include the physical parts of…

Information Security Governance

Information security governance is a part of governance, risk and compliance (GRC). Information Security should take into account the organization objectives and identified risks to define information security objectives. To achieve these goals, the IS strategy must be defined. Information…

Secrets Management

Secrets management is a practice that allows developers to securely store sensitive data such as passwords, keys, and tokens, in a secure environment with strict access controls. A common person connected to the internet must use a few dozen of…