Entity relationship (ER) Model is a software engineering model that was developed to represent databases.
They were first developed by Peter Chen and published in the paper “The Entity Relationship Model –
Toward a Unified View of Data” in 1976.
E/R Model Concepts
The grade in a relationship defines the maximum number of entities that are involved in a relationship. When it is one, it means that it is related only to itself.
The cardinality of a relationship means the maximum number of instances within that relationship in each direction.
The existence dependency appear when one entity needs another to exist.
For example, in the COMPANY database, a Spouse entity is existence -dependent on the Employee entity.
The identifying dependency appears when there is a relationship that relates the weak entity type to an owner entity type.
Methods representing ER Models
Methods or modeling languages to represent ER Models:
- Chen
- Bachman
- Martin / IE / Crow’s Foot
- Min-Max ISO
In Chen’s notation, entities are represented with rectangles, attributes with circles and relationships with diamonds. Primary keys are underlined.
Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
The enhanced entity-relationship model (EER) or extended entity-relationship latest update was in 2019.
EER adds the following concepts to ER:
- Superclass and subclass
- Specialization and generalization
- Union
EER Subclass
Types of constraints on the “subclass” relationship:
- Total or Partial
- Overlapped or Disjoint
Total or partial: a sub-classing relationship is total if every super-class instance is associated with any sub-class entity. If a super-class instance can be associated with two or many sub-class entities, it is partial.
For example, imagine that “job” is a superclass and “specialization” is a subclass. If all employees within the company work in any specialization, it is a total relationship; if some employees do not have specialization and remain with just a superclass instance, it is a partial relationship.
Overlapped or Disjoint (in Spanish, superpuesta o exclusiva): If an entity from a super-set can be related to multiple sub-class sets at the same time, then it is overlapped sub-classing, otherwise disjoint.
For example, if an employee can have just a single specialization, it is disjoint. If an employee can have different specializations at the same time, it is overlapped.
Métrica v4’s EER
Métrica v4 is methodology developed and used in the public sector of Spain.
This methodology includes an EER (in Spanish modelo entidad-relación or modelo E/R) that adds slight variations to the model of the same name.
You can find more info about Métrica v4 EER on this external link.
Crow’s Foot
As of 2023, Crow’s Foot diagrams can be used in diagrams.net by going to Software > Entity Relationship Diagram.
They are very close to relational databases design, indicating tables with their primary and foreign keys.

UML Class Diagram
UML Class diagrams can be used to represent database entities and their relationship.
UML Data Profile Model
The Data Model Profile is a UML extension to support the modelling of relational databases in UML.
Relationships within an E/R Model
E/R model relationship grades:
- Grade 1, reflexive or recursive
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade n
- Double
Grade 1, reflexive or recursive involves a single entity.
Grade 2 involves 2 entities.
Grade 3 involves 3 entities.
Grade n involves n entities.
Double involves two different relationships between 2 entities.
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External References
- SPARX Systems; “Database Modeling in UML“; SPARX Systems
- E/R Model Relationships