Entity-Relationship Model

Entity relationship (ER) Model is a software engineering model that was developed to represent databases.

They were first developed by Peter Chen and published in a paper in 1976.

Methods representing ER Models

Methods or modeling languages to represent ER Models:

  • Chen
  • IDEF1X
  • Bachman
  • Martin / IE / Crow’s
  • Min-Max ISO
  • UML


In Chen’s notation, entities are represented with rectangles, attributes with circles and relationships with diamonds. Primary keys are underlined.

Crow’s Foot Notation

As of 2023, Crow’s Foot diagrams can be used in diagrams.net by going to Software > Entity Relationship Diagram.

They are very close to relational databases design, indicating tables with their primary and foreign keys.


UML Class Diagram

UML Class diagrams can be used to represent database entities and their relationship.

UML Data Profile Model

The Data Model Profile is a UML extension to support the modelling of relational databases in UML.

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