International Cybersecurity Conventions

This post summarizes some of the major conventions, conferences, congresses or other events related to cybersecurity and with an international scope.

List of International Cybersecurity Conventions

List of International Cybersecurity Events:

  • Gartner Security & Risk Manageement Summit
  • Cyber UK
  • RSA Conference
  • Black Hat
  • (ISC)2 Security Congress
  • Hacker Halted
  • Continental ISACA Conferences

Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit

There are two:

  • USA
  • EMEA

Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit USA

Yearly in June. 3 days.

At Maryland, USA.

Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit EMEA

Yearly in September. 3 Days

At London, UK.

Cyber UK

Yearly in May.

In the UK.

Tech Show Europe

Tech Show Europe includes the Cloud & Cyber Security Expo.

Yearly in May.

In Frankfurt, Germany.

RSA Conference (RSAC) USA

Yearly in June. 4 days.

At San Francisco, California, USA.

The name of RSA Conference stands from the popular encryption algorithm RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), though it covers many cybersecurity topics apart from encryption. RSA Conference is abbreviated as RSAC.

Some Spanish organizations like INCIBE and ICEX bring companies from Spain to the event. Applications end in April.

They also organize the RSAC Unplugged events, that are one-day and take place in different places each time (like Bangkok, Sydney, etc.).

Infosecurity Europe

Yearly in June.

In London, UK.

Black Hat

There are different Black Hat in regions:

  • Black Hat USA
  • Black Hat Europe

Black Hat USA is in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Yearly, in August.

Black Hat Las Vegas is usually one week before DEF CON.


Defense Ready Condition (DEF CON)

Yearly, in August.

At Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Probably the largest hacker convention in the world.

(ISC)2 Security Congress

Yearly in October. 3 days.

At Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

It is organized by (ISC)2.

Hacker Halted Converence

Hacker Halted Conference takes place yearly in March. 1 month.

Alternatively, Hacker Halted Traning takes place yearly in September.

It is organized by EC-Council.

Continental ISACA Conferences

ISACA organizes an annual conference in each of the continents. It includes:

  • ISACA Conference Africa
  • ISACA Conference America Latina
  • ISACA Conference North America
  • ISACA Conference Europe
  • ISACA Conference Oceania

Each year takes place in a different city within the continent.

The dates of celebration depends on each contient.

ISACA Conference Europe is celebrated in October.

In previous instances of ISACA Conference Europe, it was celebrated in:

  • 2022: Rome (Italy) + virtual
  • 2021: virtual

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