Tag databases

Relational Databases

Tabular or relational databases are those that can be organized in tables. In opposition to tabular or relational databases there is NoSQL databases. Relational Database Design Aspects related to relational database design: Relational Database Modeling Relational databases can be designed…

Open Data Licenses

This post is an introduction to free and open data licenses. List of Open Data Licenses Open data licenses: Open content licenses like Creative Commons also apply. PPDL Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence (PPDL). It is published…

Database Support Lifecycle

This post provides links to check the Support Lifecycle, End of Life (EoL), End of Support (EoS), versioning or road map dates for popular databases. List of Databases Support Lifecycle Dates List of databases lifecycles featured on this post: Oracle…

NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases refer to any database types that are not only relational. “NoSQL” stands for “not only SQL”. Relational database is the most popular database type nowadays. Structure Query Language (SQL) is a language to manage data in a relational…

IT Vulnerability Databases

This post includes a list of  public resources (e.g., databases) for vulnerability research. It also features some well-known sites that are no longer available. Exploit Database (Exploit DB) is an archive of exploits for the purpose of public security, and it…