Tag computing

How to create a Chrome Extension

This post explains how to create an extension or add-on for Chrome or Chromium. Overview of Chrome Extension Creation Main steps to create a Chrome Extension: Developing a Chrome Extension This section explains how to develop a Chrome extension. Components…

IT Crime Regulations

This post discusses some aspects related to IT or computer crime. The post focuses on regulations that prosecute malicious behavior related to computers or IT. If you want to read more about regulations concerning IT security focused on the implementation…

Cloud Security Compliance

This post summarizes some aspects of cloud security that need to be taken into account regarding compliance. To monitor cloud security compliance, we need to check all compliance sources and how they affect cloud security. Compliance sources: Limits of Cloud…

Software Versioning

Software versioning is the process of assigning version names or numbers to software Software created Visual Studio separates four numbers with dots. The meaning of each number is: Example: Software Code Version Control System Some software assigns the version…

IT Security Threat Modeling

Threat modeling is the process of identifying, analyzing and categorizing threats. List of Cybersecurity Threat Models Cybersecurity Threat Models featured on this post: The most popular is MITTRE ATT&CK. MITRE ATT&CK MITRE ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge) Matrix is…

IT Threat Intelligence

This post explores some aspects of threat intelligence in the context of IT security. Concepts related to IT Threat Intelligence Tactics, techniques and procedures are commonly referred as TTPs. IT Thread Modelling Thread modelling is a process by which potential…