Tag c

Introduction to C++

This post is an introduction to C++. C++ is an adaptation of C to the object-oriented paradigm. It was originally developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ Versions and Standards There are different standard versions of C++. Each version is standardized through…

Introduction to Rust

Rust is an emerging programming language that focuses on performance. It is free and open-source (FOSS) under an MIT and Apache 2.0 dual-license. It was created by software developer Graydon Hoare while he was working at Mozilla, and it was…

.NET Frameworks

Probably you have seen in your Windows computer a program installed that is called “.NET Framework” (or more recently “.NET Runtime”) that gets updated and seems a requirement for some apps but you ignore its purpose. This post explains what…

Programming Languages

This post summarizes and describes very briefly the most popular programming languages, and also reviews the characteristics that make a programming language different to other. Characteristics of programming languages When comparing different programming language, there are certain characteristics that must…