
sqlmap is a command line tool to automatize SQL injections. Examples Retrieve tables on DB (–tables;)] specify database with -D: sqlmap -u “” –cookie=<“cookie value which you have copied in step #5”> -D moviescope –tables Retrieve columns from a table…


      Filters TCP Ports tcp.port Filters the tcp port/s of packets displayed. Example: tcp.port == “21”   HTTP Request Methods http.request.method Possible values: get post Example: http.request.method == “POST”   Contains cookies http.cookie Example: http.cookie   External references…

Windows ping syntax

Parameters -f switch sets the Do Not Fragment bit on the ping packet. By default, the ping packet allows fragmentation. In the ping command, the –l option means to send the buffer size in bytes. It is followed by the…

netcat Syntax

      Examples nc -l -p 2222 | nc 1234 Netcat will listen on port 2222 and output anything received to a remote connection on port 1234