Category Software Development

Contributor License Agreement

A contributor license agreement (CLA), sometimes called participation agreement, is a document that defines the terms under which intellectual property has been contributed to a project or organization. CLAs are typically used on FOSS projects. Reasons to use a CLA…

Software Licenses

A software license is a written or digital document accompanying the software the defines the terms and conditions to use it. It is based on copyright laws, that protects the source code behind software. This post enumerates the main categories…

Node.js Framework

Node.js is a back-end web development framework written in the programming language JavaScript. It allows to create server-side web applications in JavaScript. Take into account that JavaScript was a programming language intended initially for the client side, so JavaScript back-end…

Electron Framework

Electron is a framework to build cross-platform desktop application using web technologies. The main web technologies for developing in Electron are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It also uses Node.js framework extensively. It is a free and open source software (FOSS)…