Category IT

Security Testing Methodologies

Security Testing Methodologies: List of Security Testing Methodologies Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is the Open Web Application Security Project, which is an open-source application security project that assists the organizations to purchase,…

Types of Security Controls

Types of Security Controls: Preventive: Prevent security violations and enforce various access control mechanisms. Detective: Detect security violations. Corrective or recovery: Used to restore systems. Deterrent: Used to discourage. Compensating: Used as an alternative control when the intended controls failed.…

Java Platform

This post explains the most relevant concepts about the software needed to run and/or compile Java on a device. It also clarifies the differences between concepts like JVM, JRE, JDK, OpenJDK or Java SE. Java Platforms A Java platform is…