Category IT

AAA Network Protocols

This post summarizes Authentication, Authorization and Accountability (AAA) protocols or AAA network protocols. Do not confuse the AAA protocols with the authentication protocols like EAP, CHAP and PAP. Authentication protocols works in the OSI layers 2 and 3, and AAA…

Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is one of the basics of information security. Concepts related to Authentication Continuous authentication Monitors user behavior continuously to ensure that the authenticated user remains the same throughout a session. Risk-based authentication analyzes user behavior…

Functional Programming Languages

This post discuss about functional programming languages, it means, programming languages that use the functional paradigm. In functional programming languages, a desired result is declared as the value of a series of function evaluations, uses evaluation of mathematical functions and…

Assembly Language

Types of computer codes, from more computer-friendly to human-friendly: Assembly language is sometimes known as assembler language or symbolic machine code. Early computer programs were written in assembly language, as programming languages did not exist yet. Assembly language is unique…