Category Database


This post is an introduction to databases. Database Properties Database properties featured on this post: ACID Database Transaction Properties ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) is a set of desired properties regarding database transactions. ACID at Wikipedia CRUD Persistent Storage Operations…

Database Security

This post explains some aspects of IT security on databases. It is part of the main post about introduction to IT security. Database Controls Database controls featured on this post: Server-side input validation Please remind that client-side input validation is…

Document Store Database

Document store database are NoSQL databases. List of Document Store Databases Document stores are specifically designed to handle JSON-like documents. Document store solutions: Apache CouchDB Apache CouchDB is a document store database. It is FOSS, under an Apache 2.0 license.…

Relational Databases

Tabular or relational databases are those that can be organized in tables. In opposition to tabular or relational databases there is NoSQL databases. Relational Database Design Aspects related to relational database design: Relational Database Modeling Relational databases can be designed…

Database Normalization

This post is about how to normalize a relational database. You can read a post as an introduction to relational databases. In the context of relational databases, normalization goal is a procedure to reduce redundancy and avoid issues while updating…