Pablo Gallardo

Pablo Gallardo

Cybersecurity and IT professional. Find more info at

Anonymity Networks

This post lists some anonymity networks: Tor / Onionland Freenet I2P ZeroNet Tor / Onionland Tor network is sometimes known colloquially as “onionland” because of the onion routing technology it uses. Official website Freenet Official website I2P Official website ZeroNet…

Linear Barcodes used in Press

Press and magazines usually come with a barcode that is located in the last page or back cover of these publications. This post tries to clarify the use of this barcode. Breakdown of Linear Barcodes used in Press ISSN (International…

List of VPN Protocols

This post summarizes the most common Virtual Private Network (VPN) protocols. VPN Protocols VPN (Virtual Private Network) protocols: RADIUS AAA protocol can also establish a VPN. PPTP Deprecated Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a legacy solution, and it…