Command line tools are common in cybersecurity as they provide a light-weight, widely available, fast and straight way to use them.
Below you can find a non-exhaustive list of the most common command line tools for cybersecurity.
<h2>List of Popular Command Line Tools for Cybersecurity</h2>
The most popular are marked in bold.
- Unclassified:
- nmap: Network port scanner and service detector
- metasploit: Penetration testing software
- snort: Open-source IDS/IPS
- netstat – Displays detailed network status information
- tcpdump – Netwroking utility that reads and writers data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol
- Kismet – 02.11 Layer 2 wirless network detector, sniffer and IDS
- OpenSSH/PuTTY/SSH: Program for loggin into or executing commands on a remote machine.
- wireshark – packet analyzer
- shellshock
- Info recollection
- Stress tests
- Password attacks
- Web piracy
- Browsing Tools
- Sniffing / Spoot
- Vulneratibilty checkers
- sqlmap
- Easymap
- Red Hawk
- D-Tect
- Aircrack-ng – 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program
- SQLiv
- salman
- sqlscan
- WordPressscan
- WPScan
- sqlmate
- John / John the Ripper – Password cracker
- Rang3r
- Striker
- Routersploit
- sH33LL
- BlackBox
- XAttacker
- OWScan
External references
- “CSX Cybersecurity Fundamentals Study Guide, 2nd Edition“; ISACA; Section 4: Security of Networks, Systems, Applications and Data > Topic 5 – Operating System Security > Command Line Knowledge, page 107.
“Passed CEH Practical/Post exam writeup“,