Distributed Systems

A distributed system is a system that is distributed among different locations

Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)

Distributed Architectures

Distributed architectures featured on this post:

  • Cloud computing
  • Microservices
  • Edge computing
    • Fog computing

Cloud computing

You can read this post about cloud computing.


You can read this post about microservices.

Edge Computing

Edge computing is a distributed computer framework where data processing is performed closer to data sources such as IoT devices or local edge servers, compared to a central server that performs all processing.

We can say that before data arrives to the central server, that has been already pre-processed.

Fog Computing

Fog computing add an extra layer between the edge layer (where edge computing is done) and the cloud layer (where the central server is located).

Communications between Distributed Systems

Service meshes may be used to manage the communication in application development.

You can read this post about distributed system communication protocol and frameworks.

Distributed System Interface Definition Languages (IDL)

In the context of distributed systems, an interface definition language (IDL) defines how distributed system interacts. You can read this post about Interface Definition Language.

You can read this post about interface definition language (IDL) in distributed systems.

CAP Theorem

The CAP theorem is also know as the Brewer’s theorem or Brewer’s conjeture.

Only 2 of these characteristics can be met in a distributed system:

  • Consistency
  • Availability
  • Partition tolerance

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