How to become a Goodreads Librarian is a website where books can be added and rated. It would be an iMDB for books.

There is a Librarian group in Goodreads where you can find more information about being a Librarian. You can join this group even if you are a non-Librarian.

What implies to be a Librarian?

Librarian are volunteers that ensure that books are registered correctly in Goodreads database.
Librarians are the only ones that can edit the metadata of a book once it has been already registered.
If you are a non-Librarian but want to edit or correct data of a book, you can post a message on the Librarian Group.


Steps to become a GoodReads Librarian

In order to become a Librarian you must:

  1. Shelf 50 books in your profile
  2. Complete the quiz to become a Librarian
  3. Wait for an answer


Step 1. Shelf 50 books in your profile

To add a missing book, search for it on the search box and if it does not appear you can click on the link “Add new book”.

Fill all the related information in the form.

Ensure that the book has not been already added previously with a slightly different title.

I have not found a way to check the books you have already created. So I recommend that each time you create a book, you write it down on a spreadsheet and count it.

Step 2. Complete the quiz to become a Librarian

Once you have added 50 books, you can apply to be a Librarian.

You must complete a quiz that can be found on this link.

It takes up to 30 minutes to complete the quiz, so ensure you have plenty of time. You can take a quiz each 24 hours.

This is an open book quiz. Look up these topics at the Librarian Manual:

Edit Page
Author Names
Literary Awards
Valid book records
Acceptable sources for covers and book data
Title field
How to edit your books
ISBN-10, ISBN-13 and ASINS
Edit page number of pages
Adding books to a new or existing series

Not a book NABing
Non-book items
How to combine editions
How to merge two author profiles
Edition field

Step 3. Write a text of why you want to become a Librarian

Once the tests is passed (at least 85% of correct answers), you must fill a form explaining why you want to become a librarian. Write it and submit it.

Step 4. Wait for a reply

It may take several weeks to get a reply. In my case, it took more than 2 months to get the confirmation message.

If you have been rejected, you can reapply.


External references

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