Tag cryptographic

Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines

This post summarizes some cryptographic standards and guidelines. List of Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines featured on this post: NIST’s Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines ENISA’s Recommended Cryptographic Measures CCN’s CCN-STIC 807 “Criptología de empleo en…

Cryptographic Modes of Operation

Block ciphers are cryptographic algorithms that encrypt fixed-size blocks of data A cryptographic mode of operation for a block cipher describes the different ways that cryptographic algorithm may transform data to achieve sufficient complexity that offer protection against attacks. This…

Digital Certificates

Digital certificates, also known as public key certificates or identity certificate. When I explain what a digital certificate to someone without a strong IT background I like to compare it with a seal ring, like the ones used in medieval…

List of Cryptography Toolkits

This post features some cryptography toolkits. List of Cryptography Toolkits Cryptography Tools featured on this post: OpenSSL OpenSSL is an open-source tool. OpenSSL official website OpenSSL repository Tink Tink is an open-source tool developed by Google. Tink repository Keyczar DEPRECATED…