Pablo Gallardo

Pablo Gallardo

Cybersecurity and IT professional. Find more info at

Access to Newspaper Library in Salamanca

Newspaper Library from Public Institutions Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) Local newspapers: La Gaceta de Salamanca (restricted access) Diputación de Salamanca Newspaper Library from Newspaper Platforms Orbyt Subscription to Orbyt includes access to newspaper library of La Gaceta de…

How to install Windows XP

Disclaimer about Windows XP Windows XP is an operating system that is lacking official support from Microsoft since April 8, 2014. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO USE THIS OPERATING SYSTEM ANYMORE. There are multiple known vulnerabilities that exposes your computer…

Cybersecurity Attack Phases

According to EC-Council EC-Council identify in the CEH course 5 hacking phases: Reconnaissance Scanning Gaining Access Maintaining Access Clearing Tracks According to ISACA ISACA identify 8 phases in a cybersecurity generalized attack processs: Perform reconnaissance Create attack tools Deliver malicious…

Google Advance Search Tags

The exploit of these tags on cybersecurity (what is called ‘Google Hacking’) is documented in Exploit database in the section Google Hacking Database (GHDB). Google Advance Search Tags [cache:] [link:] [related:] [info:] [site:] [allintitle:] [intitle:] [allinurl:] [inurl:] [location:] [filetype:]  …