Cybersecurity Associations of Spain for Organizations

This post lists some associations of organizations related to information security or cybersecurity that are located in Spain.

List of Cybersecurity Associations of Spain for Organizations

Cybersecurity associations of Spain for organizations featured in this post:

  • RNS
  • ISMS Forum Spain is a non-profit and independent trusted platform composed by CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams) and CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams) that act within Spain.

You can find a list of members on this link. official Web


RNS (from the Spanish Red Nacional de SOCs, what means National Network of SOCs) is composed by SOC from public sector of Spain. Both public organizations and private companies providing service to them can join the association.

RNS is managed by CCN-CERT (Centro Criptológico Nacional-CERT).

You can find a list of RNS members on this link.

RNS official web

The Public Administrations of Spain (AGE, from the Spanish Administración General del Estado) has a SOC called COCS (from the Spanish Centro de Operaciones de Ciberseguridad).

ISMS Forum Spain

ISMS Forum Spain (in Spanish, Asociación Española para el Fomento de la Seguridad de la Información) is a non-profit organization established on January 2007 to promote the development, knowledge and culture of security information in Spain and act for the benefit of all the community related to this area.

ISMS Forum Spain official web

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