Quiz Question Formats

This post summarizes some standard formats to store quiz questions.

List of Quiz Questions Formats

Quiz question formats feature on this post:

  • QTI
  • GIFT
  • Aiken
  • Moodle XML


Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) is a standard format for the representation of assessment content and results.

It is XML-based. It has different versions, beig the latest 3.0 (2022) as of 2024. The most popular and compatible version are probably 1.2 (2002) and 2.1 (2012).

This discussion is about a user that comments that he cannot find an application to read QTI v3.

It was originally developed by IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS GLC), which is an industry and academic consortium that develops specifications for interoperable learning technology. IMS is now known as 1EdTech.

Software is certifiable in QTI after developer joins IMS GLC and under a cost.


  • Structured
  • Computer-friendly
  • Compatible with many software
  • Popularity


  • Not very human-friendly

Example of QTI syntax:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<assessmentTest xmlns="http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsqtiasi_v3p0" 
                identifier="test1" title="Sample Test">
    <testPart identifier="part1">
        <assessmentSection identifier="section1">
            <assessmentItem identifier="item1" title="Sample Multiple Choice Question" adaptive="false" timeDependent="false">
                    <choiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" shuffle="true" maxChoices="1">
                        <prompt>What is the capital of France?</prompt>
                        <simpleChoice identifier="ChoiceA">Paris</simpleChoice>
                        <simpleChoice identifier="ChoiceB">London</simpleChoice>
                        <simpleChoice identifier="ChoiceC">Berlin</simpleChoice>
                        <simpleChoice identifier="ChoiceD">Madrid</simpleChoice>
                <responseDeclaration identifier="RESPONSE" cardinality="single" baseType="identifier">
                <outcomeDeclaration identifier="SCORE" cardinality="single" baseType="float">

There is a post about how to import QTI files to Canvas LMS.

QTI standard

QTI example repository

QTI at Wikipedia



GIFT is a standard developed in the context of Moodle.


  • Simplicity
  • Human-friendly


  • Less structured
  • Less exchangeable and robust
  • It does not support additional data apart from questions, title and comments


//Comment line 
::Question title 
:: Question {
     =A correct answer
     ~Wrong answer1
     #A response to wrong answer1
     ~Wrong answer2
     #A response to wrong answer2
     ~Wrong answer3
     #A response to wrong answer3
     ~Wrong answer4
     #A response to wrong answer4

GIFT definition

GIFT at Wikipedia


Aiken is a question format.

It should use UTF-8 encoding to avoid errors.


  • The most simple
  • Human-friendly


  • Less structured
  • Less exchangeable and robust
  • It does not support additional data apart from questions
  • Less popular than GIFT


What is the correct answer to this question?
A. Is it this one?
B. Maybe this answer?
C. Possibly this one?
D. Must be this one!

Which LMS has the most quiz import formats?
A) Moodle
B) ATutor
C) Claroline
D) Blackboard
E) WebCT
F) Ilias

Aiken Format Definition

Moodle XML Format

The Moodle XML Format is a Moodle-specific format for importing and exporting questions to be used with the Quiz module.

The format has been developed within the Moodle Community but other software may support it to a greater or lesser degree.

It is XML-based.


  • Structured
  • Computer-friendly
  • Popular among Moodle community
  • It is backed by a free and open source (FOSS) community


  • Not as popular and mature as QTI.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <question type="multichoice">
            <text>Capital of France</text>
        <questiontext format="html">
            <text><![CDATA[What is the capital of France?]]></text>
        <answer fraction="100">
        <answer fraction="0">
        <answer fraction="0">
        <answer fraction="0">

Moodle XML format

text2qti format

text2qti is a text-based format used in the free and open source (FOSS) project text2qti.


Quiz title: Addition
Quiz description: Checking addition.

Title: An addition question
Points: 2
1.  What is 2+3?
... General question feedback.
+   Feedback for correct answer.
-   Feedback for incorrect answer.
a)  6
... Feedback for this particular answer.
b)  1
... Feedback for this particular answer.
*c) 5
... Feedback for this particular answer.

text2qti code repository

Common Cartridge

Common Cartridge (CC) is a set of standard related to course content, including quizzes and assessments.

It is published by 2EdTech, the same organization that publishes QTI. CC is more generic than QTI, that is specific for test and assessments.

Common Cartridge website

Quiz Question Software

Quiz Question Software featured on this post:

  • QST


Quiz / Survey / Test (QST) is a FOSS web-based application.

QST external software

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